The 45-Day Rule:
An Overview

The IRS 45-day rule can be complex and confusing. It can also play out in several scenarios. Check out this informative video that breaks down the basic elements of the rule and explains how to protect your business as a lender.


Want to learn more? Click here to download our white paper.

Understand the 45-Day Rule to Avoid Getting Burned by the IRS

Most asset-based lenders and factors are aware of the 45-day rule, but by gaining a deeper understanding you will be better prepared to protect your assets, maintain priority over the IRS, and preserve your funding relationships.

45-Day Rule White Paper

 Get this free 13-page white paper now and learn: 

  • Five fundamental points of the 45-day rule and how the IRS’s “super priority” can jeopardize your collateral,
  • Due diligence best practices for pre and post funding to minimize your risks and protect your assets,
  • Using example scenarios, why commercial lenders choose to monitor their clients’ tax compliance to maintain priority over the IRS, and
  • How wrongful IRS levies (seizures) of receivables can occur without the filing of a federal tax lien and how to avoid this scenario.